
Back pain tends to be the biggest issue, but it’s not the only one. From heart health risks to arthritis, here are nine ankylosing spondylitis symptoms you need to know.

慢性回来纽约市Lenox Hill医院的风湿病学家Harry Fischer表示,疼痛往往是强直性脊柱炎的最明显症状(AS),这并不是它对您身体的唯一影响。菲舍尔博士说:“强直性脊柱炎是关节炎的炎症形式,在某些方面,这可能是一种阴险的疾病。”随着逐渐发展,到它充分发育时,身体的其他部位可能会受到影响。以下是九种方法,以及如何预防和治疗这些症状。

Jaw Problems

Because AS is an inflammatory condition, it can affect other joints. That includes your knees, hips, ankles, and even the temporomandibular joint in your jaw, says Dr. Fischer. About15% of people with ASdeal with jaw issues, and that can create difficulties with chewing, according to the Spondylitis Association of America (SAA). Stress can make this worse, Dr. Fischer adds, since it tightens the muscles in the face. Relaxation exercises, such as deep breathing and mindfulness practices can bring some relief.

Stiff Muscles

With AS, it’s common to have back pain in the morning, says Dr. Fischer, often accompanied by stiff muscles as well. Not only does that affect the muscles around your spine, but you may also feel it throughout the body. For example, you may have tightness in your calves, hips, shoulders, and chest. “The good news here is that activity can alleviate quite a bit of this stiffness, so the best approach is to have a regular morning stretch routine,” he says. “Also, doing stretches periodically throughout the day and before bed can help.”

Eye Issues

炎症也会影响您的眼睛。Fischer博士说,在温和的一面,强直性脊柱炎可能导致眼睛发红或轻微疼痛,但您也可能会出现更严重的问题,例如光敏度和视力降低。关于half of people with ASwill experience eye problems at least once, particularly if their AS goes untreated, the SAA reports. Symptoms tend to occur in one eye at a time. If you experience pain or any other eye trouble, call your ophthalmologist right away. There are plenty of reasons for eye issues, but if your AS is behind it, certain meds may help.

Digestive Trouble



菲舍尔博士说,脊柱底部附近的神经损伤也会影响您的膀胱。这可能导致一种称为间质性膀胱炎的疾病,有时称为疼痛的膀胱综合征. Symptoms include pelvic pain, a persistent need to urinate, discomfort after urinating, and frequent urination throughout the day and night. The severity varies, and you may have flare-ups and remission, Dr. Fischer adds.Treatment can include药物,神经刺激和物理疗法,以增强骨盆肌肉。


Although it’s not common, people with AS may develop psoriasis–an autoimmune skin condition often accompanied by scaly, red patches of skin that can be painful. In some cases, psoriasis might develop before AS is diagnosed. Home remedies can help, says dermatologist Michele Green, M.D., of Mount Sinai and Lenox Hill Hospital in New York City. She suggests moisturizing frequently, using anti-itch creams, wearing loose clothing, and shampooing with a psoriasis-specific product. Medications used to lower inflammation for AS may also have beneficial effects for psoriasis.

Heartbeat Changes

Cardiovascular issues happen in two to 10 percent of people with AS,according to SAA, and they're related to how inflammation affects your cardiac function. This can lead to high blood pressure, aortic valve disease, cardiomyopathy, and ischemic heart disease. Some of these conditions come with no symptoms, but one you might feel is arrhythmia, which means your heart is either beating too fast or too slow. This can feel like a fluttering sensation in the chest, or you could feel fatigued, dizzy, or lightheaded. If you have shortness of breath and chest pain, seek immediate medical attention.

Tingling and Burning in Nerves

菲舍尔博士说,因为随着神经的影响,您可能会感受到它的影响,尤其是在手和脚上。这感觉就像燃烧,刺痛,刺痛或“销钉和针头”,好像您的肢体已经入睡了。在某些情况下,您可能会有麻木或弱点,可能会限制您的运动。菲舍尔博士说,如果这很严重,您可能患有罕见的疾病,称为Cauda Equina综合征,Fischer博士说,这与脊髓肿胀有关。他建议跟踪这些症状并与您的风湿病学家交谈。



Next Steps

与您的风湿病学家谈谈您遇到的问题是确保您获得正确治疗的唯一方法。DPT,在柯林斯堡运动的董事会认证的骨科物理治疗师Jordan Allison表示,保持活跃也至关重要。温和运动不仅会帮助疼痛和僵硬,而且定期运动还可以改善心脏健康,降低炎症,减轻关节炎的影响并增加循环循环。他建议与您的物理治疗师签入,以获取适合您和您的需求的量身定制计划。

General Complications:美国脊柱炎协会。(2022.) "Possible Complications: How Is a Person Affected?"https://spondylitis.org/about-spondylitis/possible-complications/


AS and IBD:Best Practice & Research: Clinical Rheumatology. (2006.) "Anklyosing spondylitis and bowel disease."https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/16777576/

疼痛的膀胱综合征和膀胱治疗:Mayo Clinic. (2021.) "Interstitial cystitis."https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/interstitial-cystitis/diagnosis-treatment/drc-20354362

Heart Complications:美国脊柱炎协会。(2022.)“脊柱炎的心脏。”https://spondylitis.org/about-spondylitis/possible-complemations/the-heart-in-in-in-in-spondyloarthritis/

Nerve Pain:美国脊柱炎协会。(2018.) "Neuropathic Pain in Axial Spondyloarthritis."https://spondylitis.org/research-new/neuropathic-pain-in-saxial-spondyloarhthritis/

Meet Our Writer
伊丽莎白·米拉德(Elizabeth Millard)

伊丽莎白·米拉德(Elizabeth Millard)is a freelance journalist specializing in health, wellness, fitness, and nutrition. Her articles have appeared in SELF, Men’s Health, CNN, MyFitnessPal, and WebMD, and she has worked on patient education