The Struggles of Finding a Job With Rheumatoid Arthritis
失去一份工作是很困难的。夫妻with managing a chronic illness like rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and trying to get back up on your feet can seem even more daunting. People with chronic illnesses are more likely to be unemployed than their healthy counterparts. Finding and keeping a job can be very difficult for people with RA. Here are tips to help if you’re currently looking for a job or struggling to keep one with a chronic illness.
First, take care of you
There are a lot of challenges involved in looking for a job, but the good news is that the ever-evolving treatments for RA are giving people the opportunity and ability to work more than ever before while managing their condition. Do your best to ensure that your RA is as controlled as possible. If you have symptoms that get in the way of looking for work or performing the duties of a job, such as pain, flares, and fatigue, talk to your rheumatologist about options that can make you feel better.
找工作就像任何其他的目标:它需要一个计划。做什么样的工作,你正在寻找一些思考。Research the average salaryfor the position you’re interested in. Next, develop a list of places where you can apply, and then create a "plan-B" list of otions in case your ideal job goal doesn’t work out. Being clear about your goal and where you’re willing to compromise can give you confidence as you prepare your application or attend interviews.
You are not legally obligated to tell anyone about your chronic illness, not in an interview, not when you’re working for an organization. Although the law prohibits employers from not hiring or firing someone with a chronic illness, the reality is that it happens. In an interview, the goal is to share your qualifications so the company can make a decision about whether you are right for the job. Unless your illness has given you unique qualifications for the job — for instance, as a health advocate or social worker in a chronic illness clinic — it’s probably best to not mention it in an interview.
你的用人单位有权了解您的健康状况的唯一情况是,如果你request accommodations。Under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), you have theright to request reasonable accommodationsthat will make you better able to complete your work. Depending on the job, this might even include flexible hours or the ability to work from home. You can ask for accommodation during the interview, if you receive a job offer, or even after you start working. TheJob Accommodation Network有更多的信息。
Being different can be hard, even at work
Should you change careers?
当他们的条件,使得它非常困难甚至是不可能继续在他们目前的职业有些人与RA可能会达到一个点,尤其是如果这是一个非常实际的工作。一种选择是转行到一份工作,更是心理。它可能会为你当前的组织内转行。展望回到学校参加课程或赚取了不同程度的may also lead you to a job that would be less physically demanding,
If working a traditional 9-to-5 job is very difficult for you, another option is to look into freelancing. Many people with chronic illnesses opt to freelance because it allows them to work from home and make their own hours. While working from home has its benefits, it also comes with some hazards, the main ones being not having a steady income and not having access to affordable health insurance. Both can be essential for managing RA.
There may be better options for you
In the past, at least half of人RA不得不停止在10年内诊断工作。对于许多人来说,这不再是这种情况。更好的治疗,ADA的支持,以及技术的进步意味着你必须比以前的工作越来越多的选择,只是像其他人一样的组合。
Above all, be happy