Uterine Fibroids and Fertility: Everything You Need to Know

如果你有uterine fibroids and want to get pregnant, you’re probably more than a little concerned about what the former means for the latter. “Just having fibroids doesn't necessarily mean that a patient is going to have difficulty getting pregnant,” says Latasha Murphy, M.D., a gynecologist and surgeon at the Institute for Gynecologic Care at Mercy Medical Center in Baltimore. Still, “fibroids probably account for 3% of infertility cases.” So when should you worry? Let’s walk through how uterine fibroids can affect fertility.

总体而言,根据美国生殖医学学会的数据,5%至10%的努力孕妇的妇女患有肌瘤。巴尔的摩约翰·霍普金斯医学生殖科学与妇女健康研究部主任詹姆斯·塞加尔斯(James Segars,M.D.)说,第一个问题是诊断的延迟。On average, women wait 3.6 years before getting help, even after experiencing severe symptoms, and many don’t seek help at all because they think heavy bleeding, menstrual cramping, bloating, and bladder problems are nothing to worry about, according to a national survey in the美国妇产科杂志。

Fibroid Signs to Look For
“A lot of women have what they think to be normal menses, but they’re not,” Dr. Segars says. Because of the crossover of symptoms, many women don’t realize they have fibroids until they try to get pregnant. And at least 50% of women with uterine fibroids don’t have any symptoms at all, according to the National Institutes of Health, adding to the difficulty of getting a diagnosis and treatment. It’s important to understand your risks and get proper screening, Dr. Segars says, especially if you’re trying to get pregnant. Risk factors include age, race, obesity, and family history.

Fact: The older you are when trying to conceive, the more likely you’ll have fibroids. By age 50, at least half of all women have fibroids. Being African American also affects your chances of having uterine fibroids during your prime reproductive years: By age 35, 60% of African American women have uterine fibroids. But only 40% of Caucasian women have uterine fibroids by that age. Genetics also play a major role in who develops fibroids. If you have a family history of fibroids, hysterectomy, or abnormal menses, you may be at risk, Dr. Segars says.

Fibroid Location Impacts Fertility
When it comes to fertility, where fibroids are located makes the biggest difference. “Fibroids are like real estate. It’s location, location, location,” says Dr. Segars. Doctors define uterine fibroids, also known as myomas or leioymyomas, based on where they occur in your body: Submucosal myomas occur in the lining of the uterine cavity; intramural myomas are located in the uterine wall; and subserosal fibroids are found outside the uterine wall. (Note: You can have more than one fibroid, and in more than one location.)

When Fibroids Are Submucosal

When Fibroids Are Intramural
塞加尔斯博士说,想想壁内肌瘤 - 位于子宫壁的肌肉层中的那些肌瘤,例如土壤中的岩石。它们可以扩大和扭曲子宫和子宫颈,阻止精子或胚胎的运动。他说:“这种肌瘤不仅可以防止植入其所在地点,而且会感染和攻击子宫,因此整个子宫现在是另一种'土壤'。”“这会使整个花园的肥沃减少。”去除壁内肌瘤有点棘手 - 它可能会导致子宫壁的疤痕,这可能会影响未来的妊娠,如果子宫壁被损害,您将需要剖腹产的任何未来分娩。


When Fibroids Are Subserosal


To Remove or Not to Remove
It’s a myth that all fibroids need to be removed in order to get pregnant. “It depends on the location of the fibroid,” says Jeannette Lager, M.D., a gynecologist and associate director of the UCSF Center for Endometriosis in San Francisco. For instance, women who have submucosal fibroids that affect fertility or cause repeated miscarriages, surgically removing the fibroid by myomectomy is the preferred treatment, according to a Cochrane review. And many doctors recommend removing intramural fibroids greater than 5 cm, as these often distort the uterine cavity.

Alternative Fibroid Treatments
For women who undergo fibroid surgery, Dr. Segars recommends trying to get pregnant within six months. “The reason for that is if we take that fibroid out and she waits, she may have a recurrence in the same area or even a different area of the uterus so that she may need a second surgery,” he says. Surgery’s not the only option, however. There are other treatment options that can reduce the size of fibroids prior to pregnancy, Dr. Segars says, such as gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) antagonists that help reduce fibroid size.

How Fibroids Affect Pregnancy
An estimated 2% to 12% of pregnant women have fibroids. Sometimes, but not always, those fibroids can grow during pregnancy, usually within the first 12 weeks. “Fibroids outside of infertility can have an impact on the pregnancy itself,” Dr. Murphy says. “Fibroids can sometimes grow during pregnancy, making the pregnancy very painful. It can sometimes cause miscarriages. So, it may not prevent the patient from getting pregnant, but can cause an early delivery of that pregnancy or early loss potentially of a pregnancy.”

怀孕can also be beneficial to fibroids. “It helps them to regress,” Dr. Segars says. “At the end of pregnancy, there’s a wave of apoptosis and cell death that sweeps through the uterus for things like fibroids.” The regression isn’t permanent. “If you have fibroid disease, it’s something you’re probably going to be dealing with from now until you get to menopause,” Dr. Segars says. Because when you reach that age, the hormones that fed the fibroids start to diminish in the body and eventually the fibroids do, too.
Fibroid Symptoms:Journal of Clinical Medicine。(2021.) “Conservative Management of Uterine Fibroid-Related Heavy Menstrual Bleeding and Infertility: Time for a Deeper Mechanistic Understanding and an Individualized Approach.”https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8509802/
Fibroids and Infertility Cases:Diagnostics。(2021.) “Uterine Fibroids and Infertility.”https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/pmc8391505/
Time to Diagnosis:美国妇产科杂志。(2013年。)“子宫平滑肌瘤的影响:一项全国对受影响妇女的调查。”https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4167669/
患有肌瘤的女性数据:临床妇产科。(2008.) “Asymptomatic Uterine Fibroids. Best Practice & Research.”https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/18375184/
African American Women with UF:Fertility and Sterility。(2013年。)“无症状的年轻女性(18-30岁)的肌瘤患病率和超声检查结果的种族差异:一项试点研究。”https://www.researchgate.net/publication/236053283_racial_differences_in_fibroid_prevalence_prevalence_and_ultrasound_findings_in_asymptomatic_youngotomatic_young_young_women_18-30-30_years_years_years_years_adpilot_pilot_pilot_pilotot_pilot
Location of Fibroids:最新。(2021.) “Uterine fibroids (leiomyomas): Epidemiology, clinical features, diagnosis, and natural history.”https://www.uptodate.com/contents/uterine-fibroids-leiomyomas-epidemiology-clinical-features-diagnosis-and-natural-history
Amount of Women With Fibroids Trying to Get Pregnant:American Society of Reproductive Medicine. (2015.) “Fibroids and Fertility.”https://www.reproductivefacts.org/news-and-publications/patient-fact-sheets-and-booklets/documents/fact-sheets-and-info-booklets/fibroids-and-fertility/
Cochrane关于去除肌瘤的评论:The Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews。(2020.) “Surgical Treatment of Fibroids for Subfertility.”https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6989141/
As a health journalist, Rita Colorito has covered topics ranging from anxiety disorders to the zika virus. She specializes in writing about cancer, heart disease, health care disparities, and mental health. A breast cancer