7 Ways Heat Can Soothe Away RA Pain

经过Tracy Davenport, Ph.D. 卫生作家

If you areliving with rheumatoid arthritis (RA), you know that a little bit of heat can go a long way in helping your joints move easier. Fortunately, there are a lot more options out there now than there used to be to help you warm up and feel your best. Whether you’re at the office or recovering from a flare at home, we’ve got therapist-approved tips to warm your joints and keep them moving winter, spring, summer, or fall.


Why Heat Works

热疗法通过导致肌肉中的血管扩张来促进受损组织的愈合,从而增加氧气和养分的流动,从而通过补偿RA关节疼痛而导致缺乏使用或损害的肌肉酸痛。热量还可以刺激关节流体产生,从而增加润滑并可以降低关节刚度。根据伯明翰医学院的阿拉巴马大学免疫学和风湿病学教授杰弗里·柯蒂斯(Jeffrey Curtis),医学博士学位,您可以通过采用一些关键策略来安全地在家中施加热量。

heat wrap


持续的热量包装 - 您可以将肩膀酸痛,膝盖或脚踝缠绕,并保持八到16个小时之间的热量 -粘合剂版本这可以让您在旅途中解脱。柯蒂斯博士解释说:“这些类型的包裹可以使您无需插头就可以随身携带。”他说:“这些也位于皮肤旁边,而不是其他类型的加热垫,这些加热垫在我认为效果不佳的衣服上。”您应该保持多长时间?柯蒂斯博士说,做一个感觉不错的事情,试验您一天中的什么时候获得最大的好处。

steam bath

Steam Shower or Bath

Warm, moist heat leads to ultimate relaxation. Up the ante by throwing bath salts into the tub. According to the Arthritis Foundation, bathing in magnesium sulfate crystals (Epsom salts) may boost your magnesium levels, a mineral that is important to your bone and heart health. (Although magnesium is an electrolyte that helps ease muscle cramping and improve muscle function when ingested, the evidence on how well it works in a bath soak is slim.) While more research is needed, in at least one study, people with RA functioned better with 21 days of mineral baths than with standard treatment alone.

paraffin wax


A great soother for aching hands is a dip in paraffin wax, says Katy Weddel, physical therapist and director of Chesapeake Physical Therapy in Chestertown, MD. Paraffin is often used in skin-softening salon and spa treatments on the hands and feet. It’s such an effective joint-soother, Weddel says, her clients often buy their own paraffin wax machines to use at home. “A paraffin wax unit can warm the entire hand, unlike a rigid heating pad that cannot bend around the contours of the joints,” Weddel explains. The added bonus? It also makes your skin feel silky smooth.



韦德尔(Weddel)说,奇怪但确实如此,她的许多患者每天要洗几盘,只是为了温暖关节炎的手。韦德尔说:“温暖,闷热的水可能非常有帮助。”这对您的手关节也很好。她解释说:“这项活动鼓励运动范围 - 将其添加到热施用中是一个很好的组合。”advoid应对任何重型或擦洗超级磨损的东西。而且,不要忘记使用在皮肤上很容易的洗碗皂,并在完成后可以滋润,以防止皮肤干燥。


Heat Patches

At your pharmacy you can find disposable,粘合剂斑块可以将其戴在您的皮肤和衣服下。它们持续了几个小时,一些品牌包含利多卡因或NSAID等疼痛的软膏。使用最多的补丁含有辣椒素,一种来自热辣椒的化合物。尽管只有少数对照试验检查了斑块,但可用的证据表明它们可以帮助减轻疼痛。确保遵循包装方向,以便将斑块留在皮肤上多长时间,以防止皮肤刺激。



“I am a true fan of the warmth and light of the sun,” says Weddel. Not only can the sun warm up your muscles and joints, it may also provide your body with a needed dose of vitamin D, which is essential for bone health and immune support. Vitamin D deficiency is also more common in those with RA according to a study in theJournal of Natural Science, Biology and Medicine。Be sure that the temperature is comfortable to you and to use sunscreen especially if your medications cause sun sensitivity.

Bag of rice.

Dry Rice Pillow




Cold has the opposite effect as heat: It reduces blood flow and decreases inflammation. You are better off using ice over heat when you’re trying to reduce inflammation, according to Weddel. “While it is not as soothing as heat, if someone has had an extra-active event, ice may be the better option to curtail an acute inflammatory response,” she explains. In a few days after the redness or swelling on the joint has subsided, you can return to applying heat.



Steam Shower or Bath (2.):The Israel Medical Association Journal。(2016年。)“鲍氏疗法和类风湿关节炎:一项随机对照试验。”https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/28471579/


热斑:Balneo研究杂志。(2017.) “Topical Patches as Treatments for the Management of Patient Musculoskeletal and Neuropathic Pain.”https://pdfs.semanticscholar.org/8b58/1fb1e641b84b6a7d0b0a42a42a42e1e982f58.pdf

Cold Therapy:欧洲物理和康复医学杂志。(2016.) “The Practice of Physical Activity and Cryotherapy in Rheumatoid Arthritis.”https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Daniele-Peres/publication/311512781_The_Practice_of_Physical_Activity_and_Cryotherapy_in_Rheumatoid_Arthritis_-_Systematic_Review/links/5c54b74992851c22a3a1489b/The-Practice-of-Physical-Activity-and-Cryotherapy-in-Rheumatoid-Arthritis-Systematic-Review.pdf

Tracy Davenport, Ph.D.
