What Happens to Testosterone as You Age
Along with the生长较老的人出现了:睾丸激素水平也开始下降。托马斯·A·马斯特森三世(M.D.在60多岁的时候,大约有五分之一的男性被诊断出患有性腺功能不全,t低t的医学说法,当男性达到80多岁时,发生率升至50%。尽管如此,并非所有男性都经历了睾丸激素水平相同的下降。是什么使您处于较高的风险?让我们仔细看一下。
There May Be More Than Age at Play
While doctors believe age has a lot to do with the decline, something else might also be going on. “Is this a natural drop off or is this secondary to other medical comorbid conditions?” says Dr. Masterson. “After the third decade of life, you also have an increase in high blood pressure, diabetes and heart disease,” he adds, all of which decrease testosterone production. Obesity is another factor: 40% of obese men (and 50% of obese men with diabetes) have low testosterone levels, studies show.
It’s a Brain-Body Thing
The pea-sized pituitary gland, located at the base of the brain, is known as the master gland. That’s because it tells other glands, like the testicles, to release hormones. As you age, the signaling isn’t as efficient and the entire system doesn’t work as well as it did when you were younger, says Tracy Gapin, M.D., a urologist and men’s health specialist in Sarasota, FL. Sometimes the testicles aren’t responding to the signal from the pituitary gland (that’s primary hypogonadism). Or the testosterone levels are already low and the pituitary gland isn’t sensing those lower levels—and therefore not stimulating testicles to produce more testosterone (known as secondary hypogonadism).

正常水平的睾丸激素水平在每分解符(Ng/dl)的300至1,000纳图之间,但睾丸激素最低的含量为零。“那不是典型的,”马斯特森博士说。“那将是通常在其他情况下接受治疗的男人。”他说,例如,在患有前列腺癌的男性中,医生故意试图使他们达到所谓的“ castrate”水平。医生通常将低t定义为低于300 ng/dl。同时,约翰·霍普金斯大学(Johns Hopkins University)的研究人员建议,根据年龄的不同,目标是从400年代中期到600年代中期。

低睾丸激素Can Be Bad for Your Health
Gapin博士说:“普遍的误解是睾丸激素仅关乎性和肌肉,但是在正常代谢,正常情绪,骨骼健康和认知功能方面,睾丸激素至关重要。”他解释说,在整个身体中,您都有雄激素受体,将睾丸激素可以与细胞结合并引起变化 - 无论是在骨骼和肌肉中引起变化,还是支持神经功能。低水平的激素使您患心脏病发作和中风和2型糖尿病的风险更高。并且有证据表明,这导致整体健康状况较差和早期死亡。

There Are Various Signs of Low T
- 减少肌肉质量
- Achy breasts
- 无法解释的贫血
要被诊断出患有低睾丸激素,您必须在上午10点之前抽血的症状和水平低于300 ng/dl(早晨的激素水平达到峰值)。但是“我们试图排除其他条件或其他可更正的原因,” Masterson博士说。其中包括低甲状腺,抑郁症,大脑的小良性肿瘤(称为催乳素瘤),血液疾病甚至睡眠呼吸暂停。他说:“一旦我们将它们排除在外,那就是我们谈论睾丸激素的替代品的时候。”
Sometimes You Can Raise Testosterone Naturally

…But There Are Side Effects, Too
The biggest is infertility because testosterone replacement therapy lowers FSH, a hormone responsible for stimulating sperm production. “About 60% of guys will become what’s called azoospermic, meaning there will be no sperm in their ejaculate,” says Dr. Masterson. That may not bother you if you’re an empty-nester, but if you’re young that can be an issue. “If a young guy is really sure he wants to do testosterone therapy, I typically offer at least a semen analysis and possibly even sperm freezing beforehand,” Dr. Masterson adds. Other side effects include hair loss and acne, notes Dr. Gapin.
And Sometimes You Shouldn’t Be on It at All
Testosterone replacement doesn’t cause prostate cancer, but if you’ve had it, doctors typically don’t recommend testosterone therapy. Testosterone replacement can also over-stimulate red blood cell production, so it’s not advised for men with erythrocytosis (when you have too many red blood cells) or a history of blood clots. And if you have heart disease and are frail and elderly, your risk of strokes or heart attacks may be higher. The bottom line: If you’re older and have serious health conditions, speak to your doctor but don’t be surprised if your provider nixes the testosterone prescription.
低T的迹象:American Family Physician。(2017年。)“睾丸激素治疗:临床应用的综述。”https://www.aafp.org/afp/2017/1001/p441.html
Benefits and Risks for Testosterone Therapy (1):Journal of Clinical Investigations。(2021.) “Testosterone replacement in aging men: an evidence-based patient-centric perspective.”https://www.jci.org/articles/view/146607
Benefits and Risks for Testosterone Therapy (2):Drugs and Aging。(2019年。)“老年男性的睾丸激素替代疗法有效且安全吗?”https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8596965/
饮食和低T:营养。(2018.) “Testosterone-Associated Dietary Pattern Predicts Low Testosterone Levels and Hypogonadism.”https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/pmc62666690/
Obesity and Low T:Current Obesity Reports。(2012.) “The Significance of Low Testosterone Levels in Obese Men.”https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s13679-012-0029-4
Optimal Levels of Testosterone:内分泌社会杂志。(2019.) “Nationally Representative Estimates of Serum Testosterone Concentration in Never-Smoking, Lean Men Without Aging-Associated Comorbidities.”https://academic.up.com/jes/article/3/3/10/1759/5526748
琳达·罗杰斯(Linda Rodgers)曾是一本杂志和数字编辑,专注于健康和健康。她写的读者文摘,Working Mother,Bottom Line Health以及其他各种出版物。当她不是