Breast Cancer Diagnosis

You Have Metastatic Breast Cancer: Now What?

Black and white portrait of woman with her eyes closed
Natalia Figueredo

Close up of woman's face with eyes closed
Cris Trung

Take a Breath

Close up of two people holding hands

Bring a Loved One to Appointments

Close up of recorder and hand writing

Record Your Appointment If You're Solo

Doctor with patient

Stay Engaged With Your Health Care Team

Woman sitting on bed typing on laptop
Andrew Neel

Watch Out for TMI (Too Much Information)

Hundreds of bras on an outdoor clothesline
Pablo Heimplatz

Understand That You Aren’t a Statistic

Happy family eating and drinking at outdoor dinner

Activate Your Support System

Close up of woman looking at wrist watch
Luke Chesser

Stick to a Routine

Fork in the road

Avoid Rash Decisions or Sweeping Changes

Woman working on computer at sunset
Thought Catalog

Get Some Help at Work

Close up of hands doing pottery

Remember That You Can Do Hard Things

Sad woman alone in room
Anthony Tran

Give Yourself Space

Rachel Zohn

Rachel Zohn


Rachel Zohn is a mom, a wife, and a freelance writer who is striving to find the best way to juggle it all and maintain a sense of humor. She is a former newspaper reporter with a deep interest in writing about all things related to health, wellness and the human body. She enjoys writing about various health topics, including skin conditions such as eczema, different types of cancer and seasonal allergies.