You Have Low Testosterone—Now What?
Testosterone is the主要男性性激素 - 您可以种植杀手胡须并建造强壮的二头肌的原因。但这不是全部。在睾丸中制造的睾丸激素可以照顾身体的一些最艰难的工作,包括细胞生产和健康骨骼的发展。当睾丸激素水平下降(称为低T)时,您的健康,性欲,情绪和新陈代谢可能会摆脱困境。一些患有低T的男性选择激素替代疗法或其他治疗方法。幸运的是,如果您是T低T的20%男性之一,那么您还可以进行一些生活方式调整,以支持健康的睾丸激素水平。

First, Confirm Your Low-T Diagnosis
“ Low T”一词被抛弃了很多,如果您怀疑拥有它,这可能会促使您进行一些严重的生活方式改变。It’s important to see an endocrinologist or reproductive specialist to verify that your symptoms are, in fact, low T and not something else, like a pituitary gland issue, a mental health problem, or a problem with your testes, explains Barrett Cowan, M.D., co-founder and Chief Medical Officer of Posterity Health in Greenwood Village, CO. See your doctor about testing your free testosterone (a.k.a. the amount of testosterone that is available for use within the body) levels.
TheWorld Journal of Urologyfound that impaired sleep was associated with low testosterone. Here’s what you should do: “Get the same number of hours of sleep per night, with a minimum of six hours,” says S. Adam Ramin, M.D., urologist and medical director of Urology Cancer Specialists in Los Angeles.Researchshows getting five or less hours of sleep per night leads to a 10% to 15% decrease in testosterone levels, even in young, healthy men. To start improving your sleep habits, “Go to bed and wake up at the same time. This will regulate testosterone cycles,” Dr. Ramin says.
Limit Sleep Interruptions
除了更多的睡眠外,您还希望更好地睡眠。如何?拉明博士说,首先,请确保您整夜睡觉。科学很清楚:整夜醒来会做的不仅仅是让您变得脾气暴躁。睡眠质量差也会弄乱您的激素。一项研究International Journal of Endocrinology发现“睡眠破坏可能导致累积的睡眠不足,导致交感神经活动增加和夜间皮质醇升高。”皮质醇被称为“胁迫激素”,高水平可以reduce testosterone。

Eating healthy is a win/win when it comes to low T. Not only will you boost your overall health, but smart eating can reduce belly fat. And when it comes to low T, reducing belly fat is the name of the game. “Men who have a lot of belly fat generally tend to have low testosterone because their naturally-made testosterone gets converted into estrogen by the adipose, or body fat,” Dr. Ramin explains. To lower your belly fat, cut back on empty carbohydrates like white bread and pasta, foods with added sugars, baked goods, and alcohol.

What to Eat to Boost Your Testosterone
拉明博士说,含有适量的胆固醇和一些健康脂肪的食物,例如鸡蛋。(他解释说,饮食过低的脂肪饮食会导致睾丸激素低。)但另一方面,也不要全力以赴。拉明博士说:“不建议使用酮,因为它改变了身体的代谢。”“它不足以使一个人以正确的方式行使,这对睾丸激素很重要。”更安全的赌注?地中海饮食中含有足够的健康脂肪来支持睾丸激素水平。想尝试吗?Download the Mediterranean Diet & Meal Plan App。

Curb Your Stress
Everyone lives with some level of stress; that’s totally normal. It’s whether or not you manage it that counts. “High levels of stress are associated with low testosterone levels,” Dr. Ramin explains, “which is why stress management is so important.” When you’re stressed, your body releases the hormone cortisol, which can wreak havoc on your hormonal health. The goal? Adopt a daily stress-management routine that works for you—and stick to it. Maybe it’s taking more time for yourself, limiting exposure to stressful situations, adopting a mindful meditation or yoga practice, or going for more walks in nature.
Get Moving
Studies have found a direct correlation between regular cardiovascular exercise and testosterone production. According to research in theThe World Journal of Men's Health, aerobic activity has a significant positive effect on testosterone levels. Dr. Ramin suggests “the elliptical, jogging, the treadmill, or anything that raises your heart rate in a sustained manner for 30 minutes per day.” That same study found that cardio is more effective than strength training for boosting T levels, so along with lifting weights, consider adding a HIIT class, jogging, or taking more daily steps at a fast pace.
如果您遇到低T症状,那么您并不孤单。与您的医生谈谈服用激素替代疗法的处方,这可以帮助提高睾丸激素水平并减轻症状。Hormone replacement therapycan be done via injection, topical preparations (like patches), pellets implanted under the skin, or intranasally (meaning you’ll stick it up your nose). There are pros and cons to replacement therapy so be sure to talk with your doctor about what is right for you.

Don’t Let Stigma Stop You
Even though low testosterone occurs naturally in aging me, and can occur in young men as well, there is a perceived stigma attached to the idea of low T. According to the泌尿外科,“许多男人感到污名,不太可能为低性欲和勃起功能障碍寻求护理,”低睾丸激素的副产品。您不必害怕大声疾呼。与您的医生交谈,并在Facebook上寻找一个支持小组,例如Manning Up,或通过您当地的医院。
低睾丸激素: (1):泌尿外科护理基金会。(N.D.) “What is low testosterone?”
低睾丸激素:(2):国家图书馆。(2020.) “Testosterone.”
低睾丸激素:(3):泌尿外科护理基金会。(N.D.) “What is low testosterone?”
低睾丸激素and Sleep:泌尿外学杂志。(2019.) “Impaired sleep is associated with low testosterone in US adult males: results from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey.”
低睾丸激素和睡眠:(2):JAMA。(2011年。)“ 1周睡眠限制对年轻健康的睾丸激素水平的影响。”
低睾丸激素and Sleep: (3):International Journal of Endocrinology。(2015.) “The Impact of Sleep and Circadian Disturbance on Hormones and Metabolism.”
睾丸激素和皮质醇:Journal of Sports Science and Medicine。(2005年。)“循环皮质醇与睾丸激素之间的关系:体育锻炼的影响。”
睾丸激素和皮质醇:(2):World Journal of Men’s Health。(2018年。)“哪种运动更适合增加勃起功能障碍患者的血清睾丸激素水平?”
Hormone Replacement Therapy:内分泌学。(2022年。)“性能是男性。”
Stigma Attached to Low T:泌尿外科。(2021.)“睾丸激素水平在美国年轻男性中表现出稳定的下降。”
丽莎·玛丽·巴西勒(Lisa Marie Basile)(她/她)是一位卫生作家,慢性病倡导者,也是一些诗歌和非小说书籍的作者,包括Light Magic for Dark Times。Her work has appeared inThe New York Times,Self