
Kristen Weiss Sanders
Everything Changes



I was 16 years old at the time, and it was just months before my junior prom. It was a tough time. If you look at my prom pictures, I had a really puffy face because I was on steroids for my Crohn’s. I remember my grandma had to let my dress out for me because it wasn’t fitting me anymore—on such high doses of steroids, it’s not uncommon to put on weight pretty quickly. So yeah—being a 16-year-old girl who was just diving into the world and then to be handed this diagnosis? It was terrible timing.


当我诊断时,它是一个救济,因为我终于有一个名字对我有什么问题,我知道有办法对待它。当时没有人说有一定有可能的机会,有一天需要手术或者那些 - 我的医生在开始时非常有信心,他们可以找到一种帮助让我的克罗恩受到控制的药物。



高中的最近几年和上几年的大学都非常可怕。我尝试了各种各样的药物,从类固醇到生物制剂。当我在一个生物学时,事情平静下来,但随后,在我大学的新生年底,我对其称为后逆转脑病综合征的严重和罕见的反应。在24小时内,我有七个癫痫发作 - 我的大脑非常肿胀。我在ICU中结束了一个星期,它正在恐吓。那时,我显然无法留在那种生物学,所以我回到类固醇。在我的二年级学年结束时,没有什么真正的工作 - 所以我的冒号必须出来。


At that point, I went back on biologics—ones that I hadn’t tried before. Things didn't really calm down, though, and then my j-pouch just failed completely. It swelled up to fill nearly my entire pelvis, so it had to come out. A week before Christmas in 2013, I had my permanent ileostomy placed. Since then, I’ve had a lot fewer symptoms. However, it did take almost a year for my wounds to heal, and I even had to have wound revision surgery. And then, even after all that, I still had active disease in my remaining small bowel.

但我的医生让我终于让我进入了缓解。经过11年的处理这种疾病,我到了那里 - 我现在已经过了大约四年了。也就是说,我仍然有来自所有手术的一些问题,并只是处理我身体中的多年的活跃疾病。例如,我有水合的问题,所以我每天都有一个港口并在家中做IV液体。我也仍然仍然在时钟周围恶心的药物。但尽管症状,但我可能还有,我能够运作 - 我能在很长一段时间内第一次工作。

So now, when people say, "How you're doing?" And I can say I’m doing well—for me. This is still not a great scenario, you know? I have medical equipment helping me put fluids in my body, equipment allowing me to empty waste from my body. It's not an ideal situation. I'm still very fatigued a lot of the time. I'm not one of the people who has an ostomy and is out running marathons. But that said, I've been able to have a life that is not just about having Crohn's disease.


尽管我的手术和学校和研究生院挣扎,但我能够获得神经科学的硕士学位,现在我是一个生物学教授,目前教授主要是解剖学。我非常幸运,我在一个奇妙的部门内在一所小学工作。我的同事非常奇妙,我认为我有这种疾病,我可能需要一些特殊的住宿。例如,如果我有一个课程和实验室回来,我需要他们在同一个建筑物中,所以我不必在介于两者之间的10分钟内穿越校园。It’s also been great to work with other anatomy professors because they have a good understanding of what's going on in the body when you have Crohn’s—and I've actually been invited into classes by a couple of my colleagues when they are teaching the digestive system to talk to their students about Crohn's disease and about ostomies.


Beyond teaching, I’ve been on the board for the IBD organization有胆量的女孩自2018年1月起担任发展总监。当我还是一个青少年和大学生的时候,当我得到诊断和做j-眼袋手术的时候,像是有胆量的女孩对我来说会有很大的不同。我希望其他女孩和妇女能够与这个网络联系,并获得我最终通过有胆量的女孩找到的精彩资源,因为IBD是一件可怕的事情单独经历。我不想让其他年轻女性像我一样独自经历这么多。有胆量地加入女孩理事会,是我参与汇集这一姐妹情谊的有力方式。

It’s interesting being part of an organization for people with chronic illness that’s actually run by people with chronic illness. We have to really work as a team and be able to say things like, "Hey, I'm not feeling well today. I need you to pick up this thing for me. I need you to take this call, or write this post, or whatever it may be." The good thing about being on a team of people who all also have this disease is that when you say, "I'm not feeling well today,” you know everybody truly understands.

成长,我以为我不得不在职业生涯和家庭之间选择,我非常善意。但是我生病了,事情开始分崩离析,我以为我不会得到职业生涯或家庭。但是现在,即使一切都在努力,我诚实地在一个伟大的地方。我生命中有很多支持性的人 - 我的家人,我的社区通过工作,我的教会和胆量的女孩。所以我终于在一个我希望拥有职业生涯和家庭的地方。


Seizing the Moment


我不得不学习如何争取我想要的和learn that non-ideal circumstances can still be pretty great. And I’ve certainly learned to be grateful for the days where I am feeling well and I'm able to get things done and spend time with the people I love. And on the other side of that, I’ve had to learn how to cope on the days when I don’t feel well. This disease made me grow up really fast. I'm kind of like an old lady—physically, in terms of how my joints feel, and emotionally, in terms of what I feel is important. I find I've almost been an old lady since I was a college student because I had to learn quickly that if I wanted to be successful in school and now in work, I can't be someone who procrastinates. If I'm feeling well, I have to get things done—because I don't know how I'm going to feel in an hour, and I don't know how I'm going to feel tomorrow. I’ve definitely learned how to seize the moment. If you’ve just been diagnosed with Crohn’s, one of my best pieces of advice is to make sure you're asking questions. Make sure you understand what your treatments entail, and why the treatment you’re given is the best choice for you. Make sure you're seeing a GI who is knowledgeable in IBD, and find your people. Find people who have been through this, who have been living with the disease, who have taken the meds, who have had surgery, who have learned how to cope with it—because even if you have an amazing GI, the people who are going to help you cope the best may actually be those who have been through it themselves. And now in the age of the internet and social media, it is easier than ever to find those people.

